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Abstract animal

The one thing we like to say distinguishes us the most from animals is the mind. And more specifically its’ ability to abstract. Only we can focus on some part of the picture, find dependencies, build theoretical constructs. And physical too, like roads and buildings. Straight lines! Ever seen a straight line in nature? Oh, we love our straight lines! That’s us! We call that civilisation and everything else is primal, wild, dangerous. No repetition, no rhythm there. So we put signage everywhere, shove ourselves into identical condos and think life in numbers. Overdoing it a bit. We are so much into it that one might suggest we are desperately trying to hide our animal roots. Like we are ashamed of being called thinking animals. Same as kids, growing up, becoming teenagers – they strongly dislike being looked down at, perceived as children and not adults. Because they are smart now, they got ego… But they are still teenagers and have absolutely no idea what’s coming next.